Work samples from one of the world’s most reknown housewares brands.
Products on the market developed while employed at Umbra.
The kalimba, mbira, or thumb piano is a traditional instrument of African origin dating back nearly one thousand years that continues to be enjoyed globally today. The idea behind the Umbra incarnation was to make something comfortable to use, produced a soothing sound, and looked beautiful as a piece of decor when not in use. The smile, by no accident, reflects the user’s immediate reaction upon picking one up!

You can also find it at the MoMA Design Store in New York, something Dom is very proud of.

Prototype butter box.
We wanted to combine wood and melamine to create an interplay of materials, however it was unknown if the combination of the two would provide proper resonance. A quick prototype was made using an existing kalimba and a melamine butter box. The result was a resounding success.

Early aesthetic prototype. The openings were aimed at reflecting the form of the thumb tines, however had a much more menacing disposition compared to the final smile on the right.