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ABOUT US       CONTACT       TRAVEL       EN / ES

What is the spirit of amunì ?

Amunì is nomadic. The studio has been everywhere from France to Uruguay to South Korea. We’re proud to say we have no fixed location because it allows us to absorb local surroundings and bring those fresh ideas into what we do. Reflecting Dom’s Sicilian roots, amunì is Sicilian for “let’s go”—with the dual meaning of let’s go to our next destination, a nod the studio’s nomadic nature, and let’s go get this project started, showing our desire to work with you.

When the studio is not moving, it has two small home bases in Colombia and Argentina.

Who are we?

I wonder that myself sometimes. Amunì is currently made up of two individuals:

Dominic Montante, Principal Designer
Medellín, Colombia

Dom is a award-winning, Canadian-American industrial designer based in Medellín, Colombia who founded Amunì in 2020. He is a graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA), BFA Industrial Design 2017, with a minor in Graphic Design.  Dom's experience spans multiple work environments including startups, corporate settings, consulting, and freelancing. His portfolio encompasses a wide range of products such as toys, furniture, medical devices, beauty products, and electronics. A key aspect of his work involves close collaboration with engineers and manufacturers, often taking on roles typically reserved for engineers, to bring his designs to life. Dom’s favorite part of the design process is the moment he can physically hold his finished product.

Eugenio Schiano, Senior Designer 
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Eugenio is an Argentinian industrial designer, based in the heart of Buenos Aires, with a degree in Industrial Design from the Argentine University of Enterprise (UADE) . During his career he has had the opportunity to work both inside companies and factories gaining an overview of the needs of the parties involved. His portfolio contains electronics, furniture and home products, while his design process spans from ideation to product manufacturing. He is passionate about observing the objects around us to understand their origin, manufacture and context in relation to their aesthetic and functional aspect, always focused on improving them. What he finds most rewarding is materializing ideas, concepts and emotions through his work.

And we are friends.

“Working” while on vacation in Miramar, Argentina. We promise to not delay your project.

We bring a multicultural lens.

Dom is the child of Italian and Lao parents, growing up eating pho and pasta; an unusual background to which he credits his adaptability across cultures. Born in the US, having lived in Canada, and traveling the world, Dom brings insights from various markets, customs, and ways of life back into his design practice.

Eugenio is Argentinian by birth with strong Italian ancestry and also eats a lot of pasta. Having lived in the US and traveled across South America, he brings a transcontinental vision to design.

Both Dom and Eugenio take pride in their shared Italian heritage, seeking to carry on the spirit of both their centuries-long family traditions of hand craftsmanship in the work they produce.

Our process.

Despite a breadth of projects, our process is the same. There are five core tenets to our design methodology: research, ideation, feasibility, refinement, and production. Within that methodology, we focus heavily on two aspects: market viability and manufacturability. We want to help you create a product that consumers not only want, but that can be mass-manufactured and at a price the consumer is willing to pay. We want our projects to get made.

Imagining a new life for bricks washed up on the shores of Toronto, Canada.

Quick iterations showing the design process of a scooter used in a TV commercial.

Evaluating 3D-printed prototypes in Palermo, Sicily.